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Scooterist Meltdown
2013 - 2024


We are afraid we have not so good news for you. As you may know, the Wunderland has new owners and they have now presented their ideas. These are so far removed from our reality that we have not managed to reach an agreement. Put simply, the Wunderland no longer needs us, nor the Meltdown.

For all of us, this big international reunion at the start of the scooter season is over now. But this should be no place for gloom, but for gratitude – after all, we had ten good years.

We’d like to say thanks for the loyalty and support from all our guests and also the exhibitors at the Trade & Custom Show. And, of course, for the invaluable help and tireless efforts of all those involved: First and foremost, the Spirit of 84 Scooterists crew, i.e. the organisational team, the DJs, and the security.

A big thank you also goes to all the staff, the SecYou security and the former management of Wunderland. We know you loved us and the event and did everything you could for us despite all the difficulties and chronic understaffing. Thank you very much!

We are sure some questions will crop up in the aftermath. We'd like to answer the most crucial one now: Will there be a replacement event for Meltdown?

We simply can’t say yet, but we feel inclined to do something. It would most likely be a different, smaller event. What we can say is that we would keep the Meltdown date – but definitely not next year. So, keep an eye out on February 6-8, 2026.

See you around!


Marcus & Mareike

Spirit of 84 Scooterists


10 Year anniversary

2024 will be a very exciting year for us, because Scooterist Meltdown will be 10 years old!

We can't wait to celebrate with you and invite you to a very special anniversary edition on 01.-05. February 2024.

THE EVENT IS SOLD OUT!! NO ROOMS AVAILABLE! However, you can still obtain day & night tickets (no accomodation), details can be found here.

Bookings 2024

All-in packages with accommodation:



However, you can still obtain day & night tickets (no accomodation), details can be found here.

Age restriction: from 18 years!

For details about the package deals and tickets click here:

Day & evening tickets 2024

Day tickets and day & night tickets (Sat., 03. Feb. 2024)

Day tickets as well as a day & night tickets including the Nighter will be available for the Custom & Trade Show on Saturday (03. Feb., 12 - 18 hrs or incl. Nighter until 3 a.m.). Tickets are available for purchase online  via THIS LINK.

Information about the included services and prices can be found on the booking page.


Niter/evening tickets (Friday / Saturday, 8 p.m. - 3 a.m.):

Niter tickets are available at the box office. A deposit will be charged too, which will be refunded when you leave the Niter.


You can find more information on the booking page.

Age restriction: from 18 years!



Naturally, we will maintain the concept that has been successful over the years. But for our anniversary edition we have also prepared a few little treats for you - be surprised.


Matching the special edition, the motto for 2024 is "Glamour". We can' t wait for your extravagant, opulent, lavish, luxury and classy outfits.  Hopefully we won't need eye surgery afterwards because of all the bling.


This year we will again have three sensational live bands and much more for you. You can find all the details on the programme page.

To get a little taste have a look at the Gallery or at our collection of videos of the past events on YouTube. Enjoy!

Our plea

The entire Spirit of 84 team would love to celebrate our 10th anniversary with you.

Let's enjoy this special edition of the Scooterist Meltdown together!        

We will keep you posted – please watch this space!      



The Spirit of 84 crew

Pics by, Lit, Yo Leila and Gordon

Crew neu.jpg


Do you have any questions about booking or the event? Then simply contact us using the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible:  

© 2023 Spirit of 84 Scooterists

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